GOAL: Cutting
TYPE: Injections
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Testosterone propionate 50mg/ml;
Trenbolone Acetate 50mg/ml;
Drostanolone Propionate 50mg/ml
STRENGTH: 150mg/ml
AMOUNT: 1x 10ml vial
Cut Mix 150 by Dragon Pharma contains 3 active ingredients: Testosterone propionate 50mg/ml, Trenbolone Acetate 50mg/ml , Drostanolone Propionate 50mg/ml and this product is an injectable androgenic/anabolic steroid for cutting, strength and quality muscles building. Its active substances are:
Testosterone propionate 50mg/ml
Trenbolone Acetate 50mg/ml
Drostanolone Propionate 50mg/ml
with concentration of 150mg per 1ml of injection!
Cut Mix 150 from Dragon Pharma comes in injectable form and may be a solution for cutting and strength, and can be used solo or with another product like Anavar or Winstrol. Cut Mix 150 can be used as summer cutting cycle or cycle for better definition. It can be used during summer or before contest.
Cut Mix 150 Dragon Pharma comes in 10 ml vials.
GBNSTORE is legit&verified Dragon Pharma supplier. You can check this on Dragon Pharma site (dragon-pharma.com). Buying from GBNSTORE means you get real product and if there will be questions related to product you Feel free to test Dragon's product it in a lab and update us.
CutMix 150 is used in 6-12 weeks for cutting, muscles building and strength increase & it can be used solo or stacked with Turanabol, Primobolan or Anavar.
CutMix 150 can be used during summer and strength cycle by itself, just be sure to train, eat and recover properly.
Another option is to stack it with some oral and I will present a cycle below.
PCT is still needed in any case.
One of the most popular stack is:
1-10 CutMix 150 - 1ml/EOD
1-5 Anavar mg/day
PCT with Clomid will start 1 week after last injection.
Below is PCT schedule with Clomid.
Day 1 – Clomid 100mg
Day 2 - Clomid 100mg
Following 20 days – Clomid 50mg
*If needed you can take it for 5-7 days more at 25mg/day dosage.
TABS are taken with food.
"Gear is nice and smooth and didn't notice any PIP at first. Then two days later I got a little sore. No big deal though or reason to be concerned. Then the PIP hit me even harder on the third day so I couldn't do my regular workout. This is my first time with Dragon Pharma gear so maybe my body just has to get used to it. Buddy of mine told me to try warming the solution by rubbing the vial in between my hands for a few minutes. I'll have to give this a try when it's time to inject next time."
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Sep 8, 2022 (03:07)
Cutmix is useful during cutting phases and when you just want to be more shredded however dont take it if this your first cycle or if you still are far away from low bodyfat.