Cutting (25 Offers)

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Cutaxyl 150
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

MANUFACTURER: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
GOAL: Cutting
TYPE: Injections

Testosterone propionate 50mg/ml
Trenbolone Acetate 50mg/ml
Drostanolone Propionate 50mg/ml
STRENGTH: 150mg/ml
AMOUNT: 10ml vial
REVIEWS: Cutaxyl 150 Reviews
LAB TEST:  Cutaxyl 150 Lab Test

79.80 USD  
British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Stanozolol
Pack: 100 tabs (10 mg/tab)

49.35 USD  
Stanabol 50 Inj
British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Stanozolol
Pack: 10 ml vial (50 mg/ml)

64.05 USD  
Testabol Propionate
British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Testosterone Propionate
Pack: 10 ml vial (100 mg/vial)

50.40 USD  
Primoxyl 100
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

MANUFACTURER: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
GOAL: Lean Mass
TYPE: Injections
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Methenolone Enanthate
STRENGTH: 100mg/ml
AMOUNT: 10ml vial
REVIEWS: Primoxyl 100 Reviews
LAB TEST: Primoxyl 100 Lab Test

123.90 USD  
Testoxyl Propionate 100
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

MANUFACTURER: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
GOAL: Lean Mass
TYPE: Injections
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Testosterone Propionate
STRENGTH: 100mg/ml
AMOUNT: 10ml vial

43.05 USD  
Duraxyl 100
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

MANUFACTURER: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
GOAL: Cutting
TYPE: Injections
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
STRENGTH: 100mg/ml
AMOUNT: 10ml vial

50.40 USD  
Trenboxyl Acetate 100
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

MANUFACTURER: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
GOAL: Cutting
TYPE: Injections
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Trenbolone Acetate
STRENGTH: 100mg/ml
AMOUNT: 10ml vial

85.04 USD  
Oxandroxyl 20
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

MANUFACTURER: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
GOAL: Cutting
TYPE: Tabs
STRENGTH: 20mg/tab
AMOUNT: 50 tabs

83.48 USD  
Winstrol 10
Dragon Pharma, Europe

GOAL: Cutting
TYPE: Tabs
STRENGTH: 10mg/tab
AMOUNT: 100 tabs

45.15 USD  
Masteron 100
Dragon Pharma, Europe

GOAL: Lean Mass / Cutting
TYPE: Injections
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Drostanolone Propionate
STRENGTH: 100mg/ml
AMOUNT: 10ml vial

79.80 USD  
Masteron 200
Dragon Pharma, Europe

GOAL: Lean Muscles
TYPE: Injections
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Drostanolone Enanthate
STRENGTH: 200mg/ml
AMOUNT: 10ml vial

116.55 USD  
Parabolan 100
Dragon Pharma, Europe

GOAL: cutting/bulking/strength
TYPE: Injections
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
STRENGTH: 100mg/ml
AMOUNT: 10ml vial

139.65 USD  
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

MANUFACTURER: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
GOAL: Cutting
TYPE: Tabs
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Methenolone Acetate
STRENGTH: 25mg/tab
AMOUNT: 50 tabs

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Best lean mass steroid cycle
Becton Dickinson, USA

12 Weeks Lean Mass Steroid Cycle + Cutting Workout + Advices.

Ready to get shredded to the bones? :)

P.S. There is 6 weeks version as well :)

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Cutaxyl 150 Cutting Cycle
Becton Dickinson, USA

Cutaxyl 150 cycle for the summer.
Cutaxyl 150 is a mix of 3 compounds (test prop, trenbolone and drostanolone) which are mixed in the right proportions.
This cycle will give use lean muscles growth and better muscle definition.

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