HUCOG INJ 10000iu HCG Bharat Serums And Vaccines Ltd, India
During Cycle Therapy


40.00 USD

MANUFACTURER: Bharat Serums And Vaccines Ltd, India
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
STRENGTH: 10000 iu/amp

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HUCOG INJ 10000iu HCG Detailed

When to use HCG

HCG is used during hard&long steroid cycles.
It is used at 250-500iu/week each 4th week of the cycle. It will help testicles shrinkage. The dosages are basic recommendations. Each one must listen to his body and adjust.

How to mix HCG? What is hcg/bac water ratio?

It depends on how you mix it. It's quite simple. If you dillute 5,000 IUs hCG with 5ml of bacwater, the end result is 1,000 IUs per ml. Divide the same 5,000 IUs with 10 ml and the end result is 500 IUs per ml. Therefore, a large part depends on the concentration of hCG per ampoule or vial.

What is needed to mix HCG?
Items needed: bacteriostatic water (not the water/solvent that comes with the kit) and some 5ml empty sterile vials or some syringes/slin pins.
1) Open hcg/amp with powder
2) Use a syringe to pull out 1ml of Bac Water and put in amp with hCG
3) It will instantly dissolve
4) Take syringe and add the mixed hCG solution to the sterile vial
5) Swirl gently and you have 5000IU's of hCG
6) Then draw 0.2ml (1000iu) and inject
7) put the rest in the refrigerator
8) Only use as much bac water as you need, too much may have a detrimental effect when the reconstituted hCG is stored.
9) For multi dose vials of powder (IE 5000iu) simply flip off the lid, draw up 2.5ml of bac water and squirt into the vial, then every 0.5ml or 50 on a 1ml slin pin will be 1000iu.
2) 1ml is a guideline, you could just as easily add 2ml then adjust 6) accordingly (IE: double, 0.4ml).

•The reason your discarding the amp of solvent is because its made for a single use.
•The most common side affect associated with hCG is gynecomastia. That is why start with low dosages!
•hCG will last up to 6 weeks if mixed with Bac water instead of the solvent it comes with.
•You can keep the mixed hCG in vials or syringes in the fridge till use.

Please leave your review for HCG after you use it on this page.

HUCOG INJ 10000iu HCG Reviews
Jun 7, 2022 (06:52)

I received the large package and everything was of the highest quality, both the other are in transit I'll let you know when they arrive. You guys have been great to do business with and will be getting a lot more from my friends and I. Couldn't be happier with the product, response time and just overall quality of you business. Thank You

Jun 7, 2022 (06:46)

I have received your message and appreciate your swift response. This whole process has been very fast! I will definitely review the products and the whole gbnstore experience. Everything thus far has been absolutely stellar.
Thanks again!

Apr 20, 2021 (02:06)

Received this in a vial with no powder only vial with 1/4 filled.Do i need to mix with bac water or is it ready to use?

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