Oxymetholon Dragon Pharma, Europe Oxymetholon Dragon Pharma, Europe Oxymetholon Dragon Pharma, Europe Oxymetholon Dragon Pharma, Europe
Dragon Pharma


90.00 USD

MANUFACTURER: Dragon Pharma, Europe
GOAL: Strength
TYPE: Tabs
STRENGTH: 50mg/tab
AMOUNT: 100 tabs
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Oxymetholon Detailed

Buy Oxymetholon Dragon Pharma / Oxymetholone 

Oxymetholon Dragon Pharma is an oral androgenic/anabolic steroid for muscle mass, strength and quality muscles building. Its active substance is Oxymetholone.

Pay attention please, the trade name is Oxymetholon and substance is Oxymetholone with E at the end.

If you are interested in strength gains consider this oral steroid from Dragon Pharma.

The Oxymetholon from Dragon Pharma comes in oral form and may be a solution for bulking and strength steroid cycles where base product will be any form of testosterone or even a mix of it like Sustanon 270.

Oxymetholon comes in 10mg/tab, 100 tabs pack and here is a short description of this product:

  • Drug Class: Oral Anabolic Steroid
  • Active Life: 12-16 Hours
  • Average Dose: 50-150 mg/day
  • Liver Toxicity: Very High
  • Aromatization Rate: None
  • Anabolic Rate: 320
  • Androgenic Rate: 45

Oxymetholone is an oral anabolic steroid which will increase red blood cell production. Also it will put stress on liver.

GBN is legit Dragon Pharma supplier. You can check this on Dragon Pharma site (dragon-pharma.com .com). Buying from GBN means you get real product. Feel free to test Dragon's product it in a lab and update us.

Please read GBN reviews on trustpilot and any other websites, we are verified supplier for different pharmaceutical manufacturers with good reputation.

Dragon Pharma Oxymetholone Steroid Cycle

Oxymetholone is used solo in 2 weeks for strength increase.

Oxymetholone can be stacked with some injeectable steroids like Testosterone in a bulking/strength steroid cycle.

One of the most poular stack is:


1-4 Oxymetholone - 50mg/day

1-10 Testosterone Enanthate (can be Cypionate or Sust) - 2ml/week

PCT with Clomid will start 2 weeks after last injection.

Below is PCT schedule with Clomid.

Day 1 – Clomid 100mg
Day 2 - Clomid 100mg
Following 20 days – Clomid 50mg
*If needed you can take it for 5-7 days more at 25mg/day dosage.
TABS are taken with food.

Dragon Pharma Reviews

"Dragon Pharma offer excellent and quality steroids, i use Dragon gears already over 10 years and during all this time never regretted the quality of this products. Perfect products as always. My record with my verified store has more than 50 orders (only Dragon Pharma Products). Concerning about dragon pharma oil, i can say that is very professional, crystal clear oils, and very important that they are of very good quality and work perfectly. "

You can leave your review for Oxymetholone right on this page.

Do I get discounts if I buy more than 10x or 20x?

Yes you do, our website will automatically apply a discount if you add to shopping cart more than 10x of one and the same product. However if there are any specific situations we are always open to discuss.

Why there are different photos of Oxymetholon?

Because Dragon Pharma changed package and labels a little bit over the years so we want you to know that there may be different version of it.

Buy Dragon Pharma Testo Blend

Oxymetholon Reviews
May 4, 2022 (03:38)

Hey huge tom! Im currently running the first steriod cycle of test e. And its going amazingly.Granted im only on week 4, but ive put on some lbs and increased
my strength alot. Others have already commented. Im beyond happy. Thank you for a great first experience, I will be a return customer!

Oct 13, 2017 (07:39)

Well, I managed to order this when it was in stock, for some reason I think DP is overpriced but at least it works :) 10x gbn

May 22, 2016 (23:21)

Ive tried british dragon, balkan pharma, and kalpa anadrols, all great, but I know you get what you pay for. Question is, is this a quality brand, cause at the price if it is, it is an awesome deal. Also is price reflected on liver toxicity, or is all oxymethelone the same as far that goes?

Nov 27, 2014 (10:55)

Hy sir..
I want to this product ( oxymetholone ) .
But this product is out of stock why
Please sir give me this product.....

Please log in to write Oxymetholon review.

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